2018 Listener Survey
Hello Friends! Would you help me navigate how I produce the content that I'm producing? Here's a short survey. Will you help me complete this survey? Thanks in advance! Create your own user feedback survey
Talking About #ChurchToo & #ChurchHurt
We went there! Yes, we went there. It's a bigger deal than even I realized. Our church has done a 6 weeks message series on #MeToo and #ChurchToo. Both of these conversations have been trending hashtags on social media for the past 4 or 5 months that have given a...
The Wise Idea Podcast Coming Soon!
I’m Soooo excited! I’m NOT going to hide it. I’d love for you to be apart of this new community of folks! This podcast is for you if you have ever been on the hunt to integrate your faith with your life beyond Sundays. You’ll be given relevant, balanced, integrated,...
Don’t Say Change Is Hard
Don’t Say “Change Is Hard” When You’re Asking People to Change When a change initiative hits a roadblock, leaders often remind people that “change is hard.” But that old saw can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Momentary setbacks or delays can be viewed as the dead...
4 Things People of Color Want From The Church Today
It’s all a hot potato. Depending on which news source and commentator you hear it from – every issue has a different angle. These issues are being tossed around like hot potatoes. Most are afraid to address them and are more afraid of what the after match would be...
My Interview With Pastor Travis Greene
Hello Everybody! All this year I have been and will continue to interview incredible individuals that are making waves in their various fields of endeavor. These individuals cross racial lines, political lines, geographic boundaries, denominational and faith lines....
5 Lessons Leaders and Churches Can Learn From the 89th Academy Awards (Oscars)
By now, most of America has heard about the challenges that the 89th Annual Academy Awards (Oscars) Program had last night. If you haven't read THIS before you read the rest of this blog. More specifically, two specific very public mistakes that they made: One...
A Conversation With Phil Cooke About #TemporaryAssignments
All year long I am going to be interviewing leaders and industry influencers from various fields and walks of life. These conversations will center around change, transition, and reinvention with a focus on my book, Temporary Assignments. I so passionately want to...
Happy New Year – 2017!
Hello Everybody! Happy New Year! We are already rolling into 2017 on skates. At the end of every year I take the time to pause and reflect on the previous year, what lessons I can take into the future and how I need to re-evaluate how well I'm navigating life. A...
Ministry (and Life) Demand A Strategy
You would be hard pressed to find anyone serving in ministry who wouldn’t say that they aren’t busy. Ministry places a demand on you that few might understand. It’s not just the physical demand on your schedule. It is the combination of the spiritual, mental,...