Ready to Get Wise?

Start your journey with these simple steps:

book an exploratory

Book an exploratory call with me.

Fill out form

Identify the areas you want to work on.

commit to 6 week coaching process

Commit to the coaching process.

Gain wisdom

Gain wisdom and direction in your life!

Life is an adventure. And every individual needs help navigating this adventure. Discovering your purpose, growing in your relationships, developing as a leader, and working through decisions and understanding the best and most wise approach for living should not be done on an island. A Coach and Advisor can help make every step that much more solid.

Schedule a call today to figure out how to get your Wise Idea!

“Overseer Harris really has his hands on the actual heartbeat of God pertaining to youth ministry and youth development.  He is pioneering a new paradigm for youth ministry and leading youth from the natural to the spiritual things of God.”

– William of Petersburg, VA

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