by cjharris | Sep 4, 2015 | Devotional, Family / Parenting, Random, Uncategorized, Wisdom
I was recently notified of a friend who passed away after a long health fight. I’m saddened of their passing, but more saddened for their family and those that were dependent on this person for living and other life realities. One of the things that occurred to me...
by cjharris | Sep 1, 2015 | Devotional, Family / Parenting, Leadership, Random, Uncategorized, Wisdom
By now, I’m sure you’ve at least heard of the movie, War Room. If you haven’t, it’s only the #1 new movie this past weekend and grossed $11 million this weekend alone. I am a huge proponent of movies WITH A PURPOSE. Notice I did not say Christian movies,...
by cjharris | Aug 24, 2015 | Family / Parenting, Random, Uncategorized, Wisdom
Marriage is soooo much fun! It’s also soooo much work. If you’re married, you’ve got to LAUGH at this. If you’re not married, you should learn from this. A debate like this doesn’t mean that the world will be over. Oh…please...
by cjharris | Mar 22, 2015 | Leadership, Random, Uncategorized
The conversation around race and racism is not an easy conversation. I remember while a Graduate Student at the University of South Carolina, I had the privilege of serving as a Diversity Trainer with S.E.E.D. (Students Empowering and Educating about...
by cjharris | Sep 22, 2014 | Devotional, Random, Uncategorized, Wisdom
Can you believe it? It’s 100 days left in 2014. Although there are still 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week, it feels like time is moving at lightning fast speed. Pastor Andy Stanley said something a few days ago that was very powerful. In the context of...
by cjharris | Apr 20, 2014 | Devotional, Random, Uncategorized, Wisdom
Today is Easter! The big-ness of this day can be likened to the big-ness of the Superbowl, Master’s (golf), National Championship Games…yet MUCH bigger! There is only ONE other day that has as much significance for the believer than Easter, which...