I recently read a message from Dr. Mike Murdock.

Some people may disagree with some of this practices and approaches to ministry. With that said, I understand that some may immediately discount this message.  Wisdom from God’s Word is Wisdom free and clear.  Regardless of the vessel, God’s Word is powerful all by itself.  The message blessed me greatly and I spent some time reflecting on it.  Before I give you the brief message that he shared, let me tell you what I pondered:

A) I took some time to Thank God for the specific people in my past that God has used to nurture, develop, and help mature me as a well-rounded leader.  These folks were sometimes even enemies.  I believe that God will use whomever he needs to that accomplish His purposes in our lives.

B) I took some time to reflect on God’s will for my life and the unique experiences that have already happened, along with the unique experiences that will be coming.  God will allow you to connect the dots in your lives.

C) I took some time to pray for the folks in my life that I know are praying for me and covering me in prayer.  So many times I hear ministers talk about how there are some people you must get out of your life, and while I agree with that, I also believe we must be diligent to minister the reality that there are some people we need to keep in our lives.  (Everybody is not a hater or a Judas).

Here’s Dr. Murdocks’ message:

“Your best qualities will surface in the presence of good people.  Treasure any friend who generates energy and enthusiasm toward your dreams and goals.  Go the extra mile to nurture and protect any God-givven relationship.” (Eccl. 4: 9-10)

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