Make no mistake about it, parenting is both one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding tasks on the planet!

The challenges are evident, particularly for parents of multiple children. Each one has their own personality. Each one  develops their own niche. Each one requires constant awareness of the “path”, “needs”, “desires”, “growth opportunities”, “discipline approach”, and “parenting style approach”.  And all of this is necessary before we even talk about the need for baths, homework, cleaning, health realities, meals, clothing, and on and on and on…(I could really keep typing here).  These are just some of the challenges.

But I am convinced that the rewards far exceed the challenges.  As a parent, there’s almost no greater feeling than seeing your child happy.  There’s no pricetag on seeing this person that you brought home a few years ago start to discover their own identity. It’s amazingly satisfying to watch their development, uniqueness, and innocent insight.  To say that kids say the darndest things would be a significant understatement.

Being a parent is real work.  And like any occupation, job, or responsibility, there are times where we get in the way of our own success.  There’s one surefire way that parents can get in the way of their own success as parents – By attempting to be the perfect parent.

Perfect parents never make mistakes, will sacrifice to cover the truth about any situation, will ignore their past, be unrealistic about the challenges that their children may present, destroy relationships by burning bridges, elevate their children to be better than everyone else’s child, and even creates idols out of their children.

Imperfect parents do just the opposite! Imperfect parents will work overtime to make sure that the truth is present in their lives AND around them. Imperfect parents will not only share their past, but also use it as a teaching tool to empower their children to become wiser than their years. Imperfect parents will face the reality of their children’s activities and behaviors square in the face and insight on it being better if its not good. Imperfect parents will recognize the need to have and maintain valuable relationships in their community, school, and churches to help rear their children in a productive, well-rounded way. Imperfect parents recognize that their children aren’t higher than any other child, but they aren’t beneath either. Imperfect parents will celebrate God for the gift of children while balancing a healthy love and critical boundaries on that love.

I hope and pray that you’re in imperfect parent!

P.S. – What else would you add to my list…?

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