Can Parents Have Hobbies?

It’s been interesting, over the past few months I have been asked multiple times about my hobbies.  At the same time, I have been in settings where I’ve been able to meet lots of new people and learn about their lives, how their lives are structures and...

The RAW emotions of the Race Talk

  The conversation around race and racism is not an easy conversation.  I remember while a Graduate Student at the University of South Carolina, I had the privilege of serving as a Diversity Trainer with S.E.E.D. (Students Empowering and Educating about...

New Year Overload

Happy New Year! It is already 2015 and we’re only a few days away from saying Happy New Year 2016 – or at least it already feels that way. The New Year is a great time! In the U.S., it gives some a few more days to breathe without having to run into the office. It’s a...
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